mts Competencies
Automated stacking solutions for the global, automated supply chain of advanced battery and H/EV technology
Smart transportation solutions like mts stacking towers, automated racks and battery solutions are at the heart of this transformation, enabling the seamless integration and automation required to meet the growing demands of the industry.
Global presence
mts is represented worldwide with its own locations in Germany, Poland, USA and partners in China, Mexico and Turkey.
Smart transportation of high-voltage lithium-ion batteries
Together with ALSCO Anwood, we can offer innovative transportation solutions for HV battery production and other new technologies such as offer fuel cells / hydrogen.
From cell production, battery components to battery packs, i.O. car batteries to the Gigafactory, but also lithium-ion batteries classified as n.i.O critical. Transporting high-voltage lithium-ion batteries safely in any condition.
ALSCO Anwood Cell Trays
ALSCO Anwood Battery Module Trays
mts Components Racks
ALSCO Anwood Battery Racks global
mts Battery Racks domestic
mts Recycling & 2nd Life
Global partner from development to prototyping to series production;
Automation Ready throughout the entire parts handling process.
Sustainable innovation
Our sustainable innovations are designed to bring about positive change – ecologically, socially and economically. We believe that innovation not only shapes the future, but also improves the world. Together we are shaping a sustainable future.
mts stacking systems specialize in the development and production of stacking columns, load carriers for automated production and buffer storage systems. Our solutions are optimized for both battery components and complete high-voltage lithium-ion batteries for electric vehicles.
We are pioneers in the development of stacking columns for the separation and safe transportation of 3D components that fit seamlessly into the automated production lines of the automotive industry;
Our high packing density enables us to pack up to 50 % more parts in one load carrier. This allows manufacturers to store and transport more parts in the same space, which contributes to significantly lower transportation costs and a considerable reduction in CO2 emissions.
mts Maschinenbau GmbH is your reliable partner and there for you worldwide, with production sites in Germany, Poland, China and the USA.
Merry Christmas and a profitable New Year 2025
In the festive season, we would like to thank you for your trust and the great cooperation. May the coming year be just as successful & fulfilling as the past one. The entire global mts team wishes you a Merry Christmas & a profitable New Year 2025!
Upcycling von Ladungsträgern: Nachhaltige Innovationen für die Industrie
In Zeiten steigenden Umweltbewusstseins und wachsender Anforderungen an die Nachhaltigkeit in der Logistik gewinnt das Thema Upcycling von Ladungsträgern zunehmend an Bedeutung. mts stacking systems zeigt sich hierbei als Vorreiter und bietet Lösungen, die den...
Erfolgreicher Auftritt von mts stacking systems auf der EuroCarBody – Automatisiertes Bauteilhandling ist ein Muss für die Zukunft des Karosseriebaus
Unser erster Auftritt auf der EuroCarBody in Bad Nauheim hat unsere Rolle als unverzichtbarer Partner im modernen Karosseriebau eindrucksvoll unterstrichen. Ohne mts stacking systems und unsere Stapelsäulen ist ein effizienter und automatisierter Karosseriebau kaum...